Danh sách chưa cập nhật hết các xuất bản của khoa Công nghệ Thực Phẩm ĐH Nông Lâm Tp. HCM

Uncompleted list of publications of FST

1 International peer-reviewed articles/ Báo quốc tế ISI

2 Other international articles/ Báo quốc tế khác

3 Chapters in books/ Chương sách quốc tế

4 National articles/ Báo quốc gia

5 International conference proceedings/ Báo kỹ yếu hội nghị quốc tế

6 National and local conference proceedings/ Báo kỹ yếu hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

7 Oral presentation at international conferences/ Oral presentation hội nghị quốc tế

8 Oral presentation at national and local conferences/ Oral presentation hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

9 Poster presentation at international conferences/ Poster hội nghị quốc tế

10 Poster presentation at national and local conferences/ Poster hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

11 Books in Vietnamese/ Sách tiếng Việt

12 Chapters in Vietnamese books/ Chương sách tiếng Việt (sách có người hiệu đính)


1 International peer-reviewed articles/ Báo quốc tế ISI


Ho, V.T.T., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2014. Yeasts are essential for cocoa bean fermentation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 174, 72-87.

Kadivar, S., De Clercq, N., Nusantoro, B., Le, T. T., & Dewettinck, K. Development of an offline Bi-dimensional HPLC method for  analysis of stereospecific triacylglycerols of cocoa butter equivalents. Accepted. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Miocinovic, J., Le, T. T., FredrickE., Van der Meeren, P., Pudja, P., & Dewettinck, K. A comparison of composition and emulsifying properties of MFGM materials prepared from different dairy sources by microfiltration. Accepted. Food Science and Technology International.

Phan, T.T.Q, Moén, K., Le, T.T., van der Meeren, P., & Dewettinck, K. Potential of milk fat globule membrane enriched materials to improve the whipping properties of recombined cream. Accepted. International Dairy Journal

Phan, T.T.Q, Le, T.T., van der Meeren, P., & Dewettinck, K. Comparison of emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane materials isolated from different dairy by-products. Accepted. Journal of Dairy Science.

Truong, T., Bansal, N., & Bhandari, B. 2014. Effects of Emulsion Droplet Sizes on Foaming Properties of Milk fat emulsions. Food and Bioprocess Technology (publish online; DOI 10.1007/s11947-014-1352-4).

Truong, T., Bansal, N., Sharma, J., Palmer, M., & Bhandari, B. 2014. Effects of Emulsion Droplet Sizes on the Crystallisation of Milk Fat. Food Chemistry 145: 725-735.

Tuyen C. Kha, Huan Phan-Tai & Minh H. Nguyen 2014. Effects of Pre-treatments on the Yield and Carotenoid Content of Gac Oil Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction. J. Food Eng., 120(1): 44-49.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas Stathopoulos. 2014. Effect of Drying Pre-treatments on the Yield and Bioactive Content of Oil Extracted from Gac Aril. Int. J. Food Eng., 10(1): 103-112.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas Stathopoulos. 2014. Microencapsulation of Gac oil by spray drying: Optimisation of wall material concentration and oil load using response surface methodology. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 32(4): 385-397.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas Stathopoulos. 2014. Microencapsulation of Gac oil: Optimisation of spray drying conditions using response surface methodology. Powder Tech. 264: 298-309.

Le, T. T., Devreese, B., Debyser, G., Gilbert, W., Struijs, K., Van Camp, J., Van de Wiele, T., & Dewettinck, K. 2013. Distribution and isolation of milk fat globule membrane proteins during dairy processing as revealed by proteomic analysis. International Dairy Journal 32: 110-120

Phan, T. T. Q., M. Asaduzzaman, T. T. Le, E. Fredrick, P. Van der Meeren, and K. Dewettinck. 2013. Composition and emulsifying properties of a milk fat globule membrane enriched material. International Dairy Journal 29(2):99-106.

Struijs, K., Van de Wiele, T., Le, T. T., Debyser, G., Dewettinck, K., Devreese, B., Van Camp, J. 2103. Milk fat globule membrane glycoproteins prevent adhesion of the colonic microbiota and result in increased bacterial butyrate production. International Dairy Journal 32: 99-109

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas Stathopoulos. 2013. Effects of Gac Aril Microwave Processing Conditions on Oil Extraction Efficiency, and β-carotene and Lycopene Contents. J. Food Eng., 117(4): 486-491. Special Issue on Extraction and Encapsulation.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas Stathopoulos. 2013. Optimisation of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Gac Oil at Different Hydraulic Pressure, Microwave and Steaming Conditions. International J. Food Sci. Tech. 48(7): 1436-1444.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach, Sophie E. Parks & Constantinos Stathopoulos. 2013. Gac fruit: Nutrient and Phytochemical Composition, and Options for Processing. Food Rev. Inter., 29(1): 92-106.

Le, T. T., Van de Wiele, T., Do, T. N. H., Debyser, G., Struijs, K., Devreese, B., Dewettinck, K., & Van Camp, J. 2012. Stability of milk fat globule membrane proteins towards human enzymatic gastrointestinal digestion. Journal of Dairy Science.95:2307-2318

Truong, T., Truong, V., Fukai, S., & Bhandari, B. 2012. Changes in Cracking Behavior and Milling Quality of Selected Australian Rice Varieties Due to Postdrying Annealing and Subsequent Storage. Drying Technology, 30(16):1831-1843.

Kha, T. C., Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2011. Effects of Pre-treatments and Air Drying Temperatures on Colour and Antioxidant Properties of Gac Fruit Powder. Inter. J. Food Eng., 7 art 3.

Le, T. T., Miocinovic, J., Nguyen, T. M., Rombaut, R., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. 2011. Improved solvent extraction procedure and high-performance liquid chromatography–evaporative light-scattering detector method for analysis of polar lipids from dairy materials. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59:10407-10413.

Le, T. T., Van Camp, J., Pascual, P. A. L., Meesen, G., Thienpont, N., Messens, K., & Dewettinck, K. (2011). Physical properties and microstructure of yoghurt enriched with milk fat globule membrane material. International Dairy Journal, 21, 798-805.

Rahman, M. S., Senadeera, W., Al-Alawi, A., Truong, T., Bhandari, B., & Al-Saidi, G. 2011. Thermal Transition Properties of Spaghetti Measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermal Mechanical Compression Test (TMCT). Food and Bioprocess Technology 4(8):1422-1431.

Kha, T. C., Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2010. Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) fruit aril powder. J Food Eng. 98(3): 385-392.

Pérez-Palacios, T., Ruiz, J., Dewettinck, K., Le, T. T., & Antequera, T. (2010). Muscle individual phospholipid classes throughout the processing of dry-cured ham: Influence of pre-cure freezing. Meat Science, 84, 431-436.

Pérez-Palacios, T., Ruiz, J., Dewettinck, K., Trung Le, T., & Antequera, T. (2010). Individual Phospholipid Classes from Iberian Pig Meat As Affected by Diet.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 1755-1760.

Truong, T., Truong, V., Fukai, S., & Bhandari, B. 2010. Measurement of Phase Transition Temperature of Rice by Thermal Mechanical Compression Test (TMCT). International Journal of Food Properties 13(1):176-183.

Le, T. T., Van Camp, J., Rombaut, R., van Leeckwyck, F., & Dewettinck, K. (2009). Effect of washing conditions on the recovery of milk fat globule membrane proteins during the isolation of milk fat globule membrane from milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 92, 3592-3603.

Tuyen, T. T., Truong, V., Fukai, S., & Bhandari, B. 2009. Effects of high temperature fluidized bed drying and tempering on kernel cracking and milling quality of Vietnamese rice varieties. Drying Technology, 27(3), 486-494.

Dewettinck, K., Rombaut, R., Thienpont, N., Le, T. T., Messens, K., & Camp, J. V. (2008). Nutritional and technological aspects of milk fat globule membrane material. International Dairy Journal, 18, 436–457.

2 Other international articles/ Báo quốc tế khác

Le, T.T., Cabaltica A.D. & Bui, V.M. (2014). Membrane Separations in Dairy Processing. Journal of Food Research and Technology, 02,1-14. Full text:http://jakraya.com/journal/pdf/3-jfrtArticle_1.pdf

Yen T. Dang, Huan T. Phan & Tuyen C. Kha (2014). A study of Gac aril processing by using microwave drying and its incorporation into the rice porridge product. Food and Applied Biosience Journal, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Accepted.

3 Chapters in books/ Chương sách quốc tế

Le, T. T., J. Van Camp, & K. Dewettinck (2014). Milk fat globule membrane material: isolation techniques, health-beneficial properties and potential applications. in Bioactive Natural Products, Vol 41. Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers.

Dewettinck, K., & Le, T. T. (2011). Membrane Separations in Food Processing. In A. Proctor (Ed.), Alternatives to Conventional Food Processing (pp. 184-253). Cambridge: RSC Publishing.

Truong, V., Truong, T.T., Bhandari, B. and F. Shu. 2011. Controlling rice kernel cracking in the field and post-harvest processes in the Mekong Delta. CARD (Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development Program) Research Project Papers 2004-2007. Pages 130-150. Ha Noi, Vietnam: Information and Communications Publishing House.

Liu, Y., Intipunya, P., Truong, T.T., Zhou, W., and B. Bhandari. 2010. Development of Novel Phase Transition Measurement Device for Solid Food Materials: Thermal Mechanical Compression Test (TMCT). Pages 426-436 in Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10, Sajjaanantakul, T. and Reid, D., ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sichien, M., Thienpont, N., Fredrick, E., Le, T. T., Camp, J. V., & Dewettinck, K. (2009). Processing means for milk fat fractionation and production of functional compounds. In M. Corredig (Ed.), Dairy-derived ingredients: Food and nutraceutical uses (pp. 68-101). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Ruyssen, T., Vlaemynck, G., Uyttendaele, M., Van Assche, P., & Le Trung, T. (2007). Flow cytometry as a rapid tool for microbiological analysis in the food industry: potentials and restrictions. In A. van Amerongen, D. Barug & M. Lauwaars (Eds.), Rapid Methods for food and feed - Quality determination (pp. 85-101). The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.

4 National articles/ Báo quốc gia

Vu Thi Lam An and Vo Minh Chau, 2013. Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii in milk powder using polymerase reaction chain (PCR). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 2: 119-124

Lê Trung Thiên và Bùi Văn Miên. 2012. Những tính chất có lợi cho sức khỏe của các cấu phần từ màng cầu béo của sữa. Tạp Chí Khoa Học và Phát Triển (J. Sci. & Devel.) 10: 779-791

Kha, T. C., Bui, V. M, Huynh, H. A. Đ, Vu, H. H. 2009. A study of tea products from Vietnamese native plants. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (Nong Lam University), 3/5209: 104-110. (in Vietnamese).

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. 2008. Nghiên cứu quá trình thủy phân tinh bột hạt mít bằng enzyme Termamyl 120L và AMG 300L để lên men rượu chưng cất. Tạp chí Nông Nghiệp và Phát Triển Nông Thôn - Hà Nội 12/2008, trang 43 – 47

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. 2007. Utilizing jackfruit seed to produce distilled alcohol. Tạp chí Khoa học kỹ thuật Nông Lâm, Số 4/2007, trang 32 – 33

Truong Thuc Tuyen, Truong Vinh, Shu Fukai & Bhesh Bhandari. 2007.Thermal Mechanical Compression Test (TMCT): Measurement of glass-rubber transition temperature (Tg-r) of rice flour. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Nong Lam University. 4: 50-53.

Thi Lam An Vu, H. Böhnel and F. Gessler, 2006. Application of MPN - MPN (Most Probable Number - Polymerase Chain Reaction) to enumerate Clostridium botulinum spores in honey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 4: 116-119

Thi Lam An Vu and H. Böhnel, 2005. Botulism risk in MAP, high moisture bakery products. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 4: 115-117

5 International conference proceedings/ Báo kỹ yếu hội nghị quốc tế

Ho, V.T.T., Srzednicki, G.S., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2013. The functional role of microorganisms in cocoa bean fermentation – a review. Proceedings of International Symposium on Agri-Foods for Health and Wealth, Pattaya, Thailand, 5-8 August 2013. 9 pages, to be published in Acta Horticulturae.

Le, T. T., Van Camp, J., Devreese, B., Dewettinck, K. Analysis and Applications of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material (In Press). The second Conference on Food Science & Technology (Mekong Food 2), 10th – 12th November 2011, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Phan, T.T.Q, Asaduzzaman, Md., Le, T.T., Fredrick, E. & Dewettinck, KA comparison of composition and emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane enriched material (In Press).  The second Conference on Food Science & Technology (Mekong Food 2), 10th – 12th November 2011, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas E. Stathopoulos. 2013. Effects of formulations on Gac oil emulsion stability for microencapsulation. International conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering FaBE 2013, Vol. 2: 189-195.

Tuyen C. Kha, Dong T. Phan, Minh H. Nguyen. 2012. Traditional and industrial products from Gac fruit. International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition Proceeding, 2-4 April, 2012, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, p.p 484-498.

Nguyễn Minh Hiền, 2010, Nghiên cứu sản xuất cồn khô từ trái điều giả. Kỷ yếu Festival trái điều 2010.

Nguyễn Minh Hiền, 2010, Nghiên cứu sản xuất trà điều túi lọc. Kỷ yếu Festival trái điều 2010.

Tuyen, T. T., Truong, V., Fukai, S., & Bhandari, B. Influence of high temperature fluidized bed drying on the kernel cracking and the physicochemical properties of Vietnamese rice varieties (2009). Proceeding: the sixth Asia-Pacific Drying Conference ADC2009; 19th – 21st October 2009.Bangkok, Thailand.

Le, T.T., Ruyssen, T., Uyttendaele, M., Van Assche, P., & Dewettinck, K. Assessment with a compact flow cytometer of live, injured and dead probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria after subjecting to osmotic, freeze and heat stress. Conference proceeding: Conference on Food Science and Technology – Mekong Delta, 20th-22nd March 2008, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Nguyen Minh Hien, 2008, Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on jackfruit seed fermentation, In The 1st conference on food science and technology Mekong delta, Viet Nam (20 – 22/3/2008, Cantho University, VietNam), (p.159 – 163)

6 National and local conference proceedings/ Báo kỹ yếu hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

Kha, T. C., Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2010. Storage study of Gac fruit powder. Proceedings of the 7th Nong Lam University Conference, 141-150. (in Vietnamese).

Le, T. T., Miocinovic, J., Van Camp, J., Devreese, B., Struijs, K., Van de Wiele, T., & Dewettinck, K. (2010). Isolation and Applications of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material: Isolation from Buttermilk and Butter Serum. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Ghent University, 76, 111-114.

Vu, T. A., Kha, T. C. 2010. Applications of nanotechnology in food industry. Proceedings of the 7th Nong Lam University Conference, 304-310. (in Vietnamese).

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. 2009. Ảnh hưởng của các nguồn nitơ bổ sung tới quá trình lên men dịch hạt mít. Tập san hội nghị khoa học công nghệ tuổi trẻ các trường đại học và cao đẳng khối Nông – Lâm – Ngư – Thủy toàn quốc lần 4/2009

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. 2009. Nghiên cứu sản xuất cồn khô từ trái điều giả. Tập san hội nghị khoa học công nghệ tuổi trẻ các trường đại học và cao đẳng khối Nông – Lâm – Ngư – Thủy toàn quốc lần 4/2009

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. 2009. Utilizing jackfruit seed to produce distilled alcohol. Tập san hội nghị công nghệ sinh học lần thứ 11. Nhà xuất bản Đại học Quốc gia HCM, trang 19 -23

Le, T.T., Rombaut, R., & Dewettinck, K. 2007. Effect of washing steps on the recovery of milk fat globule membrane material isolated from milk. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Ghent University. 72(1): 229-33.

7 Oral presentation at international conferences/ Oral presentation hội nghị quốc tế

Truong, T., Bansal, N., Palmer, M., & Bhandari, B. Crystalline Structural Properties of Emulsified milk triacylglycerols in nanoemulsions.  Oral Presentation: The second IDF Symposium on Microstructure of Dairy Products; 3rd - 4th Mar 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas E. Stathopoulos. 2014. Gac oil extraction and microencapsulation by spray drying. The 2nd International Conference on Food and Applied BioScience, February 6 - 7, 2014, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Abstract and Oral presentation. (pp 75).

Ho, V.T.T., Srzednicki, G.S., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2013. The functional role of microorganisms in cocoa bean fermentation. Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Agri-Foods for Health and Wealth, Pattaya , Thailand, 5-8 August 2013.

Le, T. T., Nguyen, N. Q. T., Le, M. T., Nguyen, T. N. N., Hoang, T. H., & Bui, V. M. Spray drying of crocodile blood. VBFoodNet 2013 conference: Postharvest Technology, Food Chemistry and Processing: “Developing The Supply Chain Towards More Healthy Food”, 11-13 November 2013, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Trauquy, Gialam, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Le, T. T., Van Camp, J., Devreese, B., Dewettinck, K. Analysis and Applications of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material. The second Conference on Food Science & Technology (Mekong Food 2), 10th – 12th November 2011, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Le, T.T., Van Camp, J., Rombaut, R., Thienpont, N., & Dewettinck, K. Milk Fat Globule Membrane: A Potential Functional Food Ingredient. International Forum and Short Course “Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods, and Dietary Supplements: Fundamentals, Applications, and Health Effects” of ISNFF, 17th – 18th June 2010, Ghent, Belgium.

Le, T.T., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. Use of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material in Making Functional Yoghurt. The sixth NIZO Dairy Conference - Dairy Ingredients: Innovations in Functionality, 30th Sept-2nd Oct 2009, Papendal, the Netherlands.

Le, T.T., Van Camp, J., Rombaut, R., Thienpont, N., & Dewettinck, K. Use of Milk Fat Globule Membranes as Functional Food Ingredients. 2009 ISNFF (International Society of Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods) Conference and Exhibition, 1st – 4th Nov 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Tuyen C. Kha, Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2009. Effects of different drying processes and storage conditions on the carotenoids and antioxidant properties of Gac fruit powder. Proceedings of the 46th Annual NZIFST Conference, 23-25 June 2009 (Abstract and Oral presentation), Christchurch Convention Centre, New Zealand.

8 Oral presentation at national and local conferences/ Oral presentation hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

Ho, V.T.T., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2013. The effects of yeasts on cocoa bean fermentation. Oral presentation at AIFST Food Science Summer School, Sydney, 6-8 February 2013.

Lê Trung Thiên, Bùi Văn Miên, John Van Camp & Koen Dewettinck. Màng cầu béo và những tính chất có lợi cho sức khỏe.   Hội thảo Chất lượng và An toàn Thực phẩm – những vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn cần quan tâm, 8th June 2012, Hanoi University of Agriculture I, Ha Noi, Viet nam.

Le, T. T., Miocinovic, J., Van Camp, J., Devreese, B., Struijs, K., Van de Wiele, T., & Dewettinck, K. (2010). Isolation and Applications of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material. 16th PhD Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, 20th December 2010, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium.

Nguyễn Minh Hiền. Tận dụng nguồn tinh bột trong hạt mít để sản xuất rượu chưng cất. Hội nghị công nghệ sinh học lần thứ 11. 2009. Đại học Bách Khoa HCM

9 Poster presentation at international conferences/ Poster hội nghị quốc tế

Ho, V.T.T., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2014. The contribution of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria to cocoa bean fermentations. Poster presentation at the 24th International FoodMicro Conference, Nantes, France, 1-4 September 2014.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas E. Stathopoulos. 2013. Optimisation of encapsulation by spray drying Gac oil using whey protein concentrate and gum Arabic. The 46th Annual AIFST conference, 14-16th July, 2013, Brisbane. Oral and Poster Presentations. (pp 43).

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach & Costas E. Stathopoulos. 2014. A storage study of encapsulated Gac oil powder. The 47th Annual AIFST convention, 22-25th June, 2014, Melbourne. Poster Presentation. (pp. 47). Awarded the 1st Best Poster Award.

Le, T. T., Nguyen, A.T., Le, K.T.T, Nguyen, T.H., Pham, M.A., Browdy, C.L. Effects of processing conditions on the quality of Tra Catfish fillets. Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2013 , 10-13 December 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Truong, T., Bansal, N., Palmer, M., & Bhandari, B.  Effect of Emulsion Droplet Size on Structural Behaviour of Emulsified Milk Fat Triacylglycerols.  Poster presentation: 46th AIFST Annual Meeting. 14th  - 18th Jul 2013, Brisbane, Australia.

Truong, T., Bansal, N., Palmer, M., & Bhandari, B. Effect of Emulsion Droplet Size on Structural Behaviour of Emulsified Milk Fat Triacylglycerols. Poster presentation: IDF World Dairy Summit 2013; 27th Oct – 1st Nov 2013, Yokohoma, Japan.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen. 2013. Gac fruit: Bioactive compounds, Processing and Utilizations. International conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering FaBE 2013 – May 30 to June 02, 2013, Skiathos Island, Greece. Awarded the 1st Best Poster Award.

Ho, V.T.T., Zhao, J., Fleet, G., 2012. Are yeasts essential for cocoa bean fermentation?. Poster presentation at the 23rd International FoodMicro Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-7 September 2012.

Tuyen C. Kha, Minh H. Nguyen, Constantinos Stathopoulos & Paul D. Roach. 2012. Optimisation of pretreatments prior to hydraulic pressing of Gac aril oil using response surface methodology. The 45th Annual AIFST conference, 15-18th July, 2012, Adelaide. Awarded for the best poster in the Nutrition Category.

Debyser, G., LeT. T., Gilbert, W., Aerts, M., Van Camp, J., Struijs, K., Dewettinck, K., & Devreese, B. In-depth proteomic analysis of bovine milk fat globule membrane components by nano-LC FT-ICR MS analysis. Mass spectrometry in Food and Feed, 9th June 2011, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Le, T. T., Nguyen, T. M., Miocinovic, J., Rombaut, R., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. 2011. Improved solvent extraction procedure and HPLC-ELSD method for analysis of polar lipids from dairy materials. The second Conference on Food Science & Technology (Mekong Food 2), 10th – 12th November 2011, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Le, T.T., Nguyen, T. M. (presenter), Miocinovic, J., Rombaut, R., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. Improved solvent extraction procedure and HPLC-ELSD analysis of polar lipids from dairy materials. 10th International Congress on Phospholipids: “Phospholipids - Sources, Processing and Application” organized by The International Lecithin and Phospholipid Society (ILPS), 16th-18th September 2011, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Phan, T.T.Q., Md, A., Le, T.T., Fredrick, E., & Dewettinck, K. Emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane enriched material. The seventh NIZO Dairy Conference – Flavor and Texture: Innovations in Dairy, 21st – 23rd Sept 2011, Papendal, the Netherlands.

Tuyen C. Kha, Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2010. Drying of Gac fruit aril for Incorporation into Foods. IUFOST: 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Cape Town, South Africa.

Le, T.T., Rombaut, R., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. Effect of Washing Steps on the Recovery of Milk Fat Globule Membrane Material Isolated from Milk.Functional Dairy Foods 2009 - The 2009 IDF/DIAA Dairy Science World Series conference, 24th-25th February 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

Le, T.T., Van Camp, J., & Dewettinck, K. Yoghurt Fermentation of Milk-Based Mixtures Enriched with Milk Fat Globule Membranes. Functional Dairy Foods 2009 - The 2009 IDF/DIAA Dairy Science World Series conference, 24th-25th February 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

Tuyen C. Kha, Nguyen, M., Roach, P. D. 2009. Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Gac powder. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual AIFST Convention, 13-16 July 2009, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia.

Le, T.T., Ruyssen, T., Uyttendaele, M., Van Assche, P., & Dewettinck, K. Assessment with a compact flow cytometer of live, injured and dead probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria after subjecting to osmotic, freeze and heat stress. Conference on Food Science and Technology – Mekong Delta, 20th-22nd March  2008, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Ho, V.T.T., Bhandari, B., 2007. Effectiveness of ozone treatment on vegetable products. Poster presentation at the International Workshop on Food Safety and Processing Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 29-30 November 2007.

10 Poster presentation at national and local conferences/ Poster hội nghị quốc gia, vùng

Le, T.T., Rombaut, R., & Dewettinck, K. Effect of washing steps on the recovery of milk fat globule membrane material isolated from milk. PhD Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, 17th October 2007, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Nguyen Minh Hien, Poster Utilizing jackfruit seed to product distilled alcohol, International workshop on Food and Processing Technology in Nong Lam University, Vietnam (29 - 30/ 11/2007).

11 Books in Vietnamese/ Sách tiếng Việt



12 Chapters in Vietnamese books/ Chương sách tiếng Việt (sách có người hiệu đính)




Số lần xem trang: 3576
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 25-07-2014